Monthly Archives: December 2018

Justice in Aging

If you want to visit the webpage of Justice in Aging, Click the picture, please.


Justice in Aging is a national organization that uses the power of law to fight senior poverty by securing access to affordable health care, economic security, and the courts for older adults with limited resources. Since 1972 we’ve focused our efforts primarily on populations that have traditionally lacked legal protection such as women, people of color, LGBT individuals, and people with limited English proficiency.

Radical Aging Movement


The Radical Age Movement is a national non-profit based in New York City that rejects long-standing misinterpretations of aging. Our goal is to end these misperceptions and skewed attitudes toward aging so that people of all ages, races, classes, genders, and sexualities can participate productively in areas of cultural, professional and community life.

Korean Community Services of Metropolitan New York (Link)

KCS’ mission is to be a bridge for Korean immigrants and the wider Asian community to fully integrate into society and overcome any economic, health and social barriers so that they become independent and thriving members of the community. We accomplish this mission by providing culturally competent programs in the areas of Aging, Education, Immigration, Workforce Development, Public Health, and Mental Health.


Administration for Children’s Services (Link)

The Office of Advocacy provides information and responds to the concerns of parents, youth, foster parents, and others affected by the child welfare system, juvenile justice system, and other ACS services. We also answer questions from the general public. All contact with the Office of Advocacy is confidential unless there are safety issues, especially those safety issues concerning a child.



Korean American Family Service Center (Link)

The Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC) is a leading, nonprofit organization that supports and empowers adults, youth and children to lead safe and healthy lives based on dignity, compassion and mutual respect. We are committed to preventing and ending domestic violence, sexual assault, and relationship abuse, and creating a violence-free society. Our counseling, education and advocacy programs for individuals and families in the New York Tri-State area are provided in a culturally and linguistically appropriate setting.